Belief, Knowledge and Non-Existence
主讲人: Dr.
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
Talk 1: Logic and the Problem of Belief 主持人:邵强进 副教授
Abstract: An analysis of belief is offered for the purpose of extending classical logic. Using this analysis, it is shown how to solve Frege's puzzles about identity and belief, and related puzzles like Kripke's and Richard's puzzles about belief.
Talk 2: Semantics and the Problem of Knowledge 主持人:邵强进 副教授
Abstract: A representational semantics can extend classical logic and provide a uniform treatment of propositional attitude and modal claims. Using this system, we give explicit conditions for knowledge and show how to resolve the famous Gettier problem cases.
Talk 3: Existence and the Problem of Fiction 主持人:陈伟 副教授
Abstract: It is shown how truth-theoretic semantics solves Russell's well-known problem about claims of non-existence. The solution leaves us with a lingering puzzle about what it is to think about non-existent things and how two people can both think about the same non-existent thing. A solution to this puzzle is offered.
Frege's puzzles:
Kripke's and Richard's puzzles:
Gettier cases:
Russell's puzzle about negative existential claims: